Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Anne of Green Gables #2 - #6 (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Anne of Avonlea (Anne #2) -- SOLD
Anne of the Island (Anne #3) -- SOLD
Anne of Windy Poplars (Anne #4) -- 40.000
Anne's House of Dreams (Anne #5) -- SOLD
Anne of Ingleside (Anne #6) -- SOLD

Penulis: Lucy Maud Montgomery 
Bahasa: Indonesia (terjemahan)
Kondisi: bagus (masih mulus, buku ke 6 sedikit bergelombang karena panas)
Penerbit: Qanita
Harga asli: rata-rata 59.000 per buku


"Meski telah berumur 100 tahun, Anne sama sekali tak usang." --New York Times. 

Seri Anne of Green Gables adalah salah satu seri karya klasik yang sangat populer. 

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Perfect Match (Jodi Picoult)

Perfect Match
Penulis: Jodi Picoult
Bahasa: Inggris (impor)
Kondisi: Baik (lipatan kecil pada sisi)
Penerbit: Atria 
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Harga: 35.000 (harga asli 80.000 - 90.000+ di toko)

What does it mean to be a good mother? How far would you go in the name of love -- and justice?

In the course of her everyday work, career-driven assistant district attorney Nina Frost prosecutes child molesters and works determinedly to ensure that a legal system with too many loopholes keeps these criminals behind bars. But when her own five-year-old son, Nathaniel, is traumatized by a sexual assault, Nina and her husband, Caleb, a quiet and methodical stone mason, are shattered, ripped apart by an enraging sense of helplessness in the face of a futile justice system that Nina knows all too well. In a heartbeat, Nina's absolute truths and convictions are turned upside down, and she hurtles toward a plan to exact her own justice for her son -- no matter the consequence, whatever the sacrifice.

Rage of Angels (Sidney Sheldon)

Rage of Angels
Penulis: Sidney Sheldon
Bahasa: Indonesia (terjemahan)
Kondisi: cukup (lipatan-lipatan kecil pada sisi buku)
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Harga: 15.000 (harga asli 48.000)

Di jantung cerita ini kita temui wanita yang merupakan ciptaan Sheldon yang tak terlupakan...

Jennifer Parker berotak cemerlang, cantik, dan tak mudah ditundukkan -- ahli hukum yang paling menonjol di Amerika, dan salah satu seorang yang paling berhasil pula.

Hidupnya dibayangi oleh dua orang pria. Keduanya orang hebat dan keduanya amat mencintainya.

Yang seorang adalah politikus, yang punya masa depan cemerlang, yang menjadi ayah anak Jennifer. Yang seorang lagi pemimpin mafia, satu-satunya tempat berpaling dalam kegelapan kritis, tapi juga menghancurkan dunianya...

You've Been Warned (James Patterson)

You've Been Warned 
Penulis: James Patterson & co author Howard Roughan 
Bahasa: Inggris (impor)
Kondisi: Cukup (buku sudah menguning, tetapi tidak lecek)
Harga: 35.000 (harga asli 80.000 - 90.000+ di toko)
Penerbit: Grand Central Publishing
Format: Mass Market Paperback

Kristin Burns is making her way in New York City. Her photos are being considered at a major Manhattan gallery, she works by day with two wonderful children, and the man of her dreams is almost hers for keeps. But just as everything she's ever wanted is finally within reach, her life changes forever--with one murderous nightmare. Kristin wakes up every morning from the same chilling, unforgettable dream. And suddenly, it's visiting her during the day too. As her life turns stranger by the minute, Kristin is haunted and terrified. Is it all in her head? Or is the nightmare becoming her life? Kristin searches desperately for what's real through the lens of her camera, only knowing two things for sure: that no place is safe and the fate of everyone she loves lies in her hands.

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Heartbreaker (Julie Garwood)

Heartbreaker (Buchanan #1)
Penulis: Julie Garwood
Bahasa: Indonesia (Terjemahan)
Kondisi: Bagus (sedikit bergelombang akibat panas, tapi seperti baru)
Harga: Rp. 30.000 (harga asli 59.900)
Penerbit: Dastan

Laurant Madden menemukan ketenangan dan kedamaian yang diidamkannya sejak lama ketika ia pindah ke kota kecil Holy Oaks. Namun, ia tidak pernah menduga kalau kota kecil yang tenang dan damai itu akan mendatangkan ancaman baginya.

Sementara itu, agen FBI Nick Buchanan akan berlibur dari pekerjaannya yang penuh tekanan. Pekerjaannya yang penuh bahaya membuat Nick selalu hidup dalam kesendirian dan ia tidak mau mengambil risiko untuk menikah.

Namun, liburan itu harus dilupakannya karena adik sahabat baiknya, Laurant, mendapatkan ancaman pembunuhan dari seorang pembunuh berantai yang menamakan dirinya Heartbreaker. Karena Laurant adalah adik sahabatnya, maka Nick merasa harus melindungi Laurant seperti adiknya sendiri. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, Nick menyadari kalau perasaannya terhadap Laurant lebih dari perasaan seorang kakak kepada adik. Sedangkan Laurant yang menganggap Nick bukan tipenya ternyata diam-diam tidak bisa menghilangkan laki-laki itu dari pikirannya.

Di lain pihak, Heartbreaker mulai menebarkan terornya dan semakin mengancam keselamatan Laurant. Mampukah Nick mengungkap identitas Heartbreaker yang sebenarnya, sementara ia masih terombang-ambing oleh perasaannya kepada Laurant? Sementara Nick berjuang keras mengendalikan perasaannya, sang pembunuh semakin dekat dengan tujuan...

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Love in the Afternoon (Lisa Kleypas)

Love in the Afternoon (the Hathaways #5)
Penulis: Lisa Kleypas
Bahasa: Inggris (impor)
Harga: 50.000 (harga asli 80.000+ di toko buku impor)
Kondisi: Bagus (sedikit kekuningan pada sisi buku)
Format: Mass Market Paperback


She harbors a secret yearning 

As a lover of animals and nature, Beatrix Hathaway has always been more comfortable outdoors than in the ballroom. Even though she participated in the London season in the past, the classic beauty and free-spirited Beatrix has never been swept away or seriously courted... and she has resigned herself to the fate of never finding love. Has the time come for the most unconventional of the Hathaway sisters to settle for an ordinary man—just to avoid spinsterhood?
He is a world-weary cynic 

Captain Christopher Phelan is a handsome, daring soldier who plans to marry Beatrix's friend, the vivacious flirt Prudence Mercer, when he returns from fighting abroad. But, as he explains in his letters to Pru, life on the battlefield has darkened his soul—and it's becoming clear that Christopher won't come back as the same man. When Beatrix learns of Pru's disappointment, she decides to help by concocting Pru's letters to Christopher for her. Soon the correspondence between Beatrix and Christopher develops into something fulfilling and deep... and when Christopher comes home, he's determined to claim the woman he loves. What began as Beatrix's innocent deception has resulted in the agony of unfulfilled love—and a passion that can't be denied.